Emotions have no rating just feel them
Don't ever try to have fun with someone's feelings, that may be an amusement for you. But remember, those feelings are someone's life.
"People often hate things that are beyond their comprehension"
Pic © Anthony Tran
People will hate things they do not understand. They'll dislike things that they don't understand the way it works or happens. They'll simply dislike things they do not know how to do. They'll hate people who they do not understand and do not do well without even trying. It's very similar to judging someone by the first impression from far away, without giving them a second chance or interacting with them. You see, even if we do not understand something or someone, we often tend to overlook the option of giving them a second chance. We stick to our initial judgment so much that we do not bother to comprehend the whole thing or situation. We just ignore the possibility of us liking something or someone we initially thought we hated. We should open the doors to other possibilities. Enough of hatred on this planet already, maybe we can be more empathetic towards each other, and instead of hating on things that are beyond our comprehension and sticking to it; we actually try and understand and work out what made us dislike something or someone.
"How do I prevent myself from being swallowed by my thoughts"
Pic © Avi Richards
I used to wonder, how do I stop my thoughts from circling inside my mind and forming an infinite world of its own? I screamed I cried, I tried, and then I was tired. It kept happening. I understood that these were just a creation of my mind and it didn't even exist, it never did, but it was difficult to stop it. I used to understand it. I learned about positive overthinking. We should stop thinking about negative things. If something bad is about to happen that isn't under our control, then it can't be stopped. Thinking about it will only make it worse. It is futile. We should stop letting nonexistent things get the better of us and practice positive thinking. We should make sure to replace all the negative thoughts that happened in our lives and turn them into positive ones. It won't happen too soon, it'll be a slow process, but it'll change our perspective about a lot of things.
"Comparison steals all your joy and leaves you feeling empty"
Pic © Omid Armin
Everyone seems to be living their best lives with themselves and you start feeling like you're not doing anything with yours. You start comparing yourself to others. Comparing yourself to improve yourself is not bad, it has a positive effect, it's healthy, and it's completely natural. But when you compare yourself to others and feel bad for your shortcomings and do nothing about it, then it'll be detrimental to your mental health. I know it's tempting to check social media, but looking at it will make you feel you're a failure, but you're not. Someone else's happiness shouldn't take yours away. Someone else's beauty doesn't mean you're not beautiful. Someone else's success doesn't mean you'll never find your own. Some of the people you're comparing yourself to may have their own issues they're dealing with which they don't even show.Life doesn't have to be a competition. Everyone has their own time. If you are truly doing the best you can do, putting in all your efforts, and working hard while walking in your purpose, your time will come soon.
"Accept that whatever you do will not be enough for someone"
Accept that, no matter how hard you try, no matter how much you change yourself, some people will still find mistakes in you. You've to come to terms with the fact that you can't be enough for some people and it should be ok. There will always be people to drag you down and try to make you fall. When they see people still liking you, they'll start creating scenarios to make them hate you, to explain why you're bad and you can't change that, it's their character, it's how they are, it's not your fault, even if you change yourself, they'll still speak bad of you, so you don't have to change yourself according to them. Change yourself according to your loved ones and according to your mistakes, not according to the people who watch you with scrutinizing eyes to fish for one thing to talk bad about you. Accept that whatever you do, it will never be enough for them and you should stop worrying about what such people speak. They do not deserve your time, energy, or effort.
"Give yourself the break you deserve"
I know you feel like you could take a break because it's too much for you to absorb everything that's going on around you. The death counts rising and humanity falling as you watch the hate morals fewer people and toxicity around you twisting your thoughts, as it takes a toll on your mental health. You keep thinking and you wish all these ends soon but it keeps increasing and increasing, the numbers climbing higher, your thoughts never cease to stop and you feel down. I know the pressure you're in the tremendous amount of pressure and difficulties the people are going through. In this kind of situation, you don't have to be up to date with everything, even though you've got no school or college or work so hard on yourself. Take a break if you feel like it, relax, and calm down, if something bothers you, or someone bothers you, take a break. It's okay, you deserve it. Taking a break doesn't mean you're being selfish, doesn't mean you're unkind or a bad person. If it helps you feel calm, don't feel bad about taking a break. Give yourself the break you deserve.
"You're allowed to be proud of the tiniest accomplishments"
Congratulations, you didn't sleep late last night, your sleep cycle is improving.
Or maybe, congratulations, that you got 100 likes on social media.
Congratulations, you had a great party with your friends.
Congratulations, you started watching a web series.
Although it might seem nothing to anyone you know there were days you struggled to even get up. Congratulations, you didn't cry or hurt yourself for a week, you're improving. These all are sound crazy in your head but it simply means you living your life for yourself, and you are enjoying it rather than blaming someone else. It's ok to be proud of your tiniest things, even if someone might think it's nothing, but you know how much these simple things matter to you.
I'm proud of you. You're doing great.
"Learn to be your own soulmate before you can be anyone else's"
Pic © Jamie Brown
Soulmates are those who make us better versions of ourselves. The one who loves us unconditionally. The one who understands our value and never stops reminding us of it. Be your own soulmate before you can be anyone else's.
Make yourself better by working on yourself. Love yourself unconditionally before you can have enough love to give to others, understand your value, and keep reminding yourself how important you are.
Learn to love yourself before you love anyone else. Learn to make yourself happy before caring for anyone else's happiness. Learn to be your own soulmate before you can be anyone else's.
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